Thursday, July 4, 2013

Perfect White - Skin Whitening Tablets

Here in the Philippines, every woman knows about the power of glutathione for skin whitening, but how many of you know there is something even more powerful? Our liver can produce glutathione, but is usually does not produce enough to make our skin as light as we want. What if you could get your liver to create more natural glutathione that is natural, healthy, and more effective? Perfect White from Alliance in Motion uses Cysteine Peptide to stimulate the liver to produce higher amounts of glutathione giving you whiter, healthier looking skin.

Cysteine Peptide is 3 to 5 times more powerful than taking glutathione tablets and gives even more benefits. The Perfect White blend of natural ingredients that are high in Cysteine Peptide can help with all of these problems:

  • Reduce and Eliminate Dark Spots on Your Skin
  • Eliminate Blemishes
  • Reduce Wrinkles and Creases on Your Face
  • Has a Natural "Botox" Effect to Tighten Your Skin
  • Restores Natural Liver Function for Producing Glutathione
Taking one or two Perfect White tablets per day can make your skin look younger, lighter, and healthier and is 100% natural.

Perfect White is available for P1500.

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